As a freelancer, you must be aware of just how competitive the world of online content creation has become. You must also be aware of how involving it usually is to get clients and then develop long-term working relationships. Speaking of clients, where exactly do you look for clients? At the moment, market place there are various platforms which have content seekers (clients) but offer fairly low rates compared to others. At the same time, there are a few platforms which also pay way much more but have certain key requirements which might either rule you out or even completely bar you from registering as a freelancer. This quest for the most suitable platform has the potential to take a toll on you as well as your ability to write.
Good news is you won’t have to worry anymore since there is a new online marketplace that guarantees you steady work, friendly clients and the fairest of rates for common content requirements. The platform is Contentmart and it guarantees you steady and unlimited access to various online content writing jobs.
Helping skilled Freelancer Writers Find Writing Opportunities
As a freelancer, in case you have writing skills and you are interested in relatively well paid content writing jobs, you should register to Contentmart. Just so you know, this platform is the leading online content marketplace in India. It is by far the best platform connecting freelancer writers from India and beyond with online marketers who are looking for high quality content. Simply put, it helps content writers gain access to businesses while also help make sure that the freelancer and the client are a perfect match for each other.
Registering on Contentmart as a freelancer is characteristic of a host of benefits, examples include:
1. Coverage and access to a wide range of topics
Even though each and every writer usually has a certain niche which they are comfortable writing about, contentmart serves to challenge this by giving freelancers access to a range of topics. This encourages exploration in the course of freelance writing of niches which are beyond your personal realm of comfort and experience. Not only does this present an opportunity to learn something new, it also encourages you going out of your comfort zone to working on something beyond your preferred niche.
2. Support of convenient and flexible payment procedures
Immediately you accept to work on any project at contentmart, by the time you are taking up the project, you would already be aware of just how your payment will be made upon completion. As a matter of fact immediately you finish the project and the client has reviewed it, upon approval, funds would be immediately deposited into your account from where once you meet the minimum withdrawal requirements you will be free to check out using whichever preferred payout option.
3. Easy to use and Interactive interface
The platform boasts of an extremely user-friendly interface not only for placing bids but also for communicating with clients who may have already commissioned writing projects to you. The interface is characteristic of a simple and convenient bidding process plus it also allows for the easy upload of completed tasks. In addition to all of the above, notifications are sent every after any phases of the writing process is complete. This includes when a client awards a project, payment is sent out amongst other things.
4. Improved Writing Skills
Clients are presented with the opportunity to carefully review and gauge the quality of your work. These reviews are extremely useful in the long terms since they help improve your writing skills taking into consideration overtime clients would be pointing out areas where you need to make improvements on moving forward. What’s more, the clients have the opportunity to rate you. This in turn helps you keep track of your personal writing progress making it easier to work on improving your skills in order to maintain your ratings.
Everything taken into consideration, contentmart has clearly made a huge different in the online content market place by helping writers get online writing jobs not only from India but also from across the rest of the world. As a matter of fact, it also takes away the stress of marketing yourself as a writer which in turn makes it easy to focus on your core competency as a freelancer which is content creation